Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is for clients (or potential clients) who are considering engaging with us or go on to contract our services, and for individuals who participate in events that we deliver to help you attain the clarity, motivation and mindset to achieve the personal and business goals you set.

We will only use personal data that we collect in line with applicable UK laws, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and the UK Privacy and Electronic Communications Regs (PECR) in respect of marketing to you. We are committed to protecting your privacy and handling your information in the right way.

Your trust matters to us because we want to provide a safe, confidential space to allow you to explore challenges and issues. Our intention is to support the development of a friendly, humanistic, enjoyable society, where people understand people, accept and appreciate differences, and where people can work and live together in an emotionally healthy and safe place. Therefore, we only ask for, or collect your personal information, to help us run and improve our services and to deliver the services that you contract us for or sign up to participate in.

  • We make sure your personal information is always secure and protected.
  • We are fair, clear and honest about how we use the personal information we hold about you. If you ever feel unsure about how we use your personal data, please always ask us to explain.

Who we are

Dr Michaela Becker Coaching is the trading name of Dr Michaela Becker. We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (registration number ZB697787).

The person with responsibility for data protection at Dr Michaela Becker Coaching is Michaela Becker. Michaela can be contacted at:

We want to explain and make sure you understand:

  • what personal information we collect about you,
  • how we may use it lawfully,
  • the purpose(s) that we use it for,
  • who we may share it with, essentially our learning partner and suppliers,
  • how long we will keep it for and
  • your rights in respect of us getting this right and how you can contact us if you feel we haven’t done so.

What personal data do we collect about you as an individual when you contract our services?

Personal data is information that is capable of identifying you, directly or indirectly, as an individual – on its own or in combination with other information. Dependent on how you have contacted or engaged with us we may collect some or all of the following information about you:

1. Identity information -your name
2. Your postal address
3. Your email address
4. Phone contact details (mobile and/or landline)
5. Records of your communications with us
6. Limited financial details when you make a payment to us

Family information

It is sometimes relevant for us to have an understanding of your social situation. This may include you sharing information about your familial situation and family members. We do not store anything about family details in our coaching records. However, where coaching sessions are recorded on Zoom and you may share health information (or offence information) about a family member, these details will be kept in the recording and retained in line with our retention policy for Zoom recordings.

We do not notify family members that this information is held as we believe providing the information to an individual would render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of the objectives of the processing i.e. the positive impact of the coaching goal.


More sensitive personal information

When you work with us, we ask that you share relevant and appropriate health information so that we can fully understand your needs and design the best coaching support for you. This may include details of any addiction issues you have
experienced or mental health concerns.

Occasionally, you may disclose to us details of any criminal offence history that you may have that is relevant to our working together.


What personal data do we collect about you as a business contracting our services for your staff?

1. Identity information – your name
2. Your job role
3. Your organisation
4. Business contact address(es)
5. Business telephone number(s)
6. Business email address(es)
7. Limited financial details when you make a payment to us


How do we use the data we collect about you?

  • As an individual who uses our services We may use your personal data for a number of purposes captured here and include
    the following:
  • To provide requested coaching services to you
  • To deliver events that you may participate in
  • To keep a record of payments to us, actions you take, and our communications with you
  • To respond to an enquiry from you
  • To comply with applicable law and regulations including the safeguarding of yourself or other individuals


As a business who contracts our services for your employees

We may use your personal data for a number of purposes captured here and include the following:

  • To provide requested services to your organisation’s employees (where you contract with us on their behalf)
  • To deliver events that your employees may participate in
  • To keep a record of payments to us, actions you take, and our communications with you
  • To respond to an enquiry from you
  • To comply with applicable law and regulations including the safeguarding of employees or other individuals


How we can legally use your information

We’re allowed to process your information (data) for one or more of these lawful reasons:

  • We have a contract with you to deliver requested coaching services
  • Where we do hold health information about you, we will only do so with your explicit consent
  • We have a legitimate interest to do so e.g. to hold familial information to aid our understanding your social situation and deliver appropriate support to you
  • Where we are concerned about your wellbeing and safety (or that of another individual) to the extent that we believe that you (or someone else) is at risk of harm, we will share information with appropriate authorities under the lawful basis of Vital Interests.

Who do we share information with?

Coaching and event participation:

  • Where we run occasional in-person events, we may share limited information about you with a venue to maintain both your safety and security in the building environment, and that of other building users if it is a shared
  • Where you engage with us and services are paid for by your employer, we do not share any details of the sessions with your employer but do advise them when services are completed (or need extending) for invoice and billing
  • Where services are paid for by a young person’s parent (or guardian), again we do not share details of coaching sessions with the parent (or guardian) but do advise when services are concluded for invoice and billing purposes.
  • Where both coaching services and events are delivered online, we use Zoom as a delivery platform. Their privacy policy is here. We may sometimes record sessions, but only with your explicit agreement. Where session are recorded,
    we store them in Zoom’s cloud storage facility. Zoom’s default storage is in the USA.
  • During your engagement with us, we may use WhatsApp to contact you purely to advise you of any changes to dates/ times and only with your agreement to use this as a platform.


Payment Processing

We use Aardvark Accounting as our payment facilitator to bill you (or your organisation) for our services. We do not hold the details of any transactions with you. This means that we must share limited information with them so that they may
process and send our invoices to you. Their Privacy Notice is here.



We do not currently send marketing to current or former clients or businesses, although we may reach out to you as our business grows. When we do engage in marketing activities, we will ensure that we are compliant with both the Privacy and E-Communications Regulations (PECR) 2003 and the GDPR standards for consent (where consent is required).


Psychometric tools

When you engage with us for coaching services, the main tool that we use DSIC. You interact directly with the platform, and we do not see your individual responses. We do have access to and review the reports generated by DISC which are also
shared with you direct as part of your participation.

The DISC assessment tool is accessed through a platform operated by PeopleKeys. PeopleKeys are a US based organisation and are signatories to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and under the UK Data Protection (Adequacy) (USA) Reg 2003 (known as the UK-US ‘data bridge’) are deemed to meet the required standards to maintain the privacy of citizens when data is transferred to and processed by them on behalf of UK based organisations. Their privacy policy is here


How long do we keep your information for?

  • Your coaching sessions
    When your coaching session is in person, your session notes are recorded solely in paper format and stored securely for 10 years. This retention period is to meet the requirements of our insurers.
    Where coaching sessions are delivered over Zoom, in addition to paper sessions notes being retained for 10 years, recorded Zoom sessions are kept for 28 days as a default, during which time we download recorded sessions to an encrypted memory and retain in line with our 10-year overarching policy.
  • Financial Records
    Financial transaction records are created and maintained by our payment processor, Aardvark Accounting. Audit best practice requires a minimum retention period of seven years.
  • Psychometric profiling platform data retention
  • PeopleKeys store your assessment and details for as long as you remain registered on their platform.


Your rights regarding your personal information

You have a number of rights under UK data protection law. These are listed below, along with our contact details, should you wish to make a request.

  • Informed: You have the right to be informed about how we handle your personal data.  This privacy statement is one of the ways we do this.
  • Access: You have the right to ask for a copy of the personal data we hold about you and the purposes for which we are using it. ‘Personal data’ is any information which can directly, or indirectly, identify you.
  • Rectification: You have the right to ask us to change any details that we hold which are incorrect, inaccurate or need updating.
  • Erasure (known as the ‘right to be forgotten’): You have the right to ask us to delete your personal details under certain circumstances. We will assess any deletion request on a case by case basis. If you subscribe to our email list, we can quickly fulfil your request, but in other circumstances there may be reasons why we need to keep information about you.
  • Object: You have the absolute right to object to receiving direct marketing from us.  You also have the right to raise an objection about how we are handling your personal information.
  • Restriction: You have the right to ask us to restrict or suppress your personal information. This would mean we’d store it but not use it.
  • Portability: You have the right to obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services.  Due to the nature of our organisation, we do not believe this right is likely to apply.

You also have the right to make a complaint if you believe we have not handled your information appropriately. We would prefer that you contact us in the first instance so we can discuss your concerns and put things right, but you also have the right to escalate your concerns at any time to the UK Regulator (The Information Commissioner’s Office) by contacting them here

If you want to exercise any of these rights, please email:



We like to keep things simple – we do not have any cookies on our website and do not track any visits to it.


Our promise to you

We will only use your information for the purposes for which it was obtained. We will not, under any circumstances, share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes.


How we keep your data safe

We ensure there are appropriate technical and organisational controls in place to protect your personal details both within our organisation and with the suppliers we use to process your information during coaching participation.

The majority of our coaching records are solely in paper format. Records are kept securely in a locked cabinet with restricted access and are securely destroyed at the end of the 10 year retention period.